Since the idea hit me yesterday, I've been racking my head brainstorming about what I need to organize a Jewellery making class in KK in Oct for when I go back. The idea is wonderful I think.
And it gives normal people in KK a chance to try their hand at something. I mean as far as I know, there aren't any Jewellery learning classes in KK. And I only know of one place in KL.
Not to say there aren't any jewellery makers in KK. There are plenty. But nobody or few people actually offer classes. Hehe and me being a teacher who misses teaching, I think this is a fantastic way of satisfying my needs to teach and my love of making things.
So all you KK people who read my blog, please pass the word around. The class is only for Oct. Come and learn how to make an easy set of Jewellery. Or learn to handmade a rosary. If you are interested, leave me a comment here or leave me a message at http://www.facebook/bealeesjewelleryandcraft :-)