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Real Twilight...

Rick and I have taken to going for drives during dusk cos the evenings are so nice when it's not raining. Guess what I saw on one of our drives... hehe ... Carlisle Street... hehe for you Twilight fans out there, I wonder if you are as amused as I am... Carlisle is afterall born in England...hehe ... I thought I saw wrong. but last week, we drove down the same route near Pangbourne I think... I saw the street sign again. I wanted to take a pic for the heck of it but I always see that only at the last minute... hehe ... a bit creepy? hehe ... I thought I saw wrong cos I've been reading Twilight again.. Nope, saw right. Carlisle Street. I wonder if there's an Esme, Emmett, Rosalie, Edward, Japser and Alice street somewhere...


PengPeng彬彬 said...

I am not the only obsessed person. Am thinking of buying The Host to read for my holiday :)

BeaLee said...

I'm not obsessed by it.. it was just amusing to see that... haha..

Betty said...

OMG! Am i the only person who does not know what twilight is all about?

BeaLee said...

hehe... It's a series of books...about vampires. very easy read targetted for young adults..hehe...

Audrey Koh said...

tiee.. its abt vampires.. not my cuppa tea at all n prob not yours!!! we r romance mad. not blood crazy like some weird ppl... ;-) lol

PengPeng彬彬 said...

it is romance audrey... it's a bit of teenage porn as well, haha.

BeaLee said...

porn??? wahahaha... it's definitely teenage vampire romance...they don't even drink human blood! hehehe try it...

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